In an enchanting revelation for fans of the beloved “Wizards of Waverly Place,” the magical sibling duo, Alex and Justin Russo, are set to grace our screens once again in the highly anticipated pilot of the show’s new sequel, aptly titled “Wizards.”
The excitement doesn’t end there – Selena Gomez and David Henrie, the talented actors who originally portrayed Alex and Justin when the series debuted in 2007, will take on the roles of executive producers for the pilot, according to multiple reports.
Gomez, the pop sensation, is slated to make a special appearance as a guest star in the pilot, while Henrie will be reprising his role as Justin regularly. Joining them are fresh faces to Waverly Place, including Janice LeAnn Brown, Alkaio Thiele, and Mimi Gianopulos.
Story line of Wizards of Waverly Place
The enchanting sequel unfolds the story of Justin, who bids farewell to his job at WizTech and relinquishes his magical powers to lead a normal life with his family. However, the tranquility is disrupted when a formidable young wizard seeks Justin’s guidance, leading to a gripping narrative where “Justin must embrace his past to ensure the future of the Wizard World,” as described in the press release.
Selena Gomez took to her Instagram story to share the excitement, posting a nostalgic photo of herself with Henrie from the original set, captioned “We’re back.” Expressing her enthusiasm, she shared a screenshot of Deadline’s report and a glimpse of the “Wizards” pilot script, captioned “Home again.”
Disney Channel and Henrie himself teased the news on Instagram, unveiling the front cover of the pilot script alongside a wand. In his post, Henrie declared, “The Russos are excited to become a part of your family, but we’ve grown. 2024, the year magic comes back.”